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  • Aktuell
157/2023 (10.08.2023)
Themen | 158/2023 (28.11.2023)
  • Hannah Arendt & the Banality of Evil
    Georgia Arkell reconsiders Arendt’s explosive report on the trial of Eichmann.
  • Seeing Through Transparency
    Paul Doolan clearly sees transparency through philosophy.
  • What Happened to Philosophy?
    Alexander Jeuk says overspecialization, academic debate focusing, and simplistic argument structures, are prominent missteps in modern philosophy.
Themen | 160/2024 (16.02.2024)
  • Philosophy & Hurling: Thinking & Playing
    Stiofán Ó Murchadha knowing how we know.
  • Letters
    When inspiration strikes, don’t bottle it up. Email me at Keep them short and keep them coming!
  • A Philosophical History of Transhumanism
    John Kennedy Philip goes deep into the search for (post-) human heights.
Themen | 161/2024 (19.04.2024)
  • Shakespeare: Folly, Humanism & Critical Theory
    Sam Gilchrist Hall surveys folly and wisdom in Shakespeare’s world and beyond.
  • How Can We Achieve World Peace?
    Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the entrants not included.
  • What Makes A Book Great?
    Colin Stott critiques the critical thinking of Matthew Arnold and F.R. Leavis.
Themen | 163/2024 (30.08.2024)
  • Freedom & State Intervention
    Audren Layeux follows the doomed quest for state emancipation of the self.
  • Authenticity & Absurdity
    Paul Doolan tries to tell them apart.
  • What Philosophy Book Should Be Required Reading?
    Our readers give their thoughts, each winning a random book to read.
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Porträt von Philosophy now

Das britische Magazin Philosophy now befasst sich damit, wie die Dinge in unserer Gesellschaft heute wirklich sind. Die Artikel und Debatten kreisen um spannende Konzepte, die auf unseren Alltag angewandt werden können und dabei helfen, die eigenen Ansichten und Denkgewohnheiten zu reflektieren.
Ein erfrischender und ehrlicher Blick auf Leben, Liebe, Religion, Wissenschaften und all die Dinge, die in einem Leben wirklich wichtig sind. Dabei hat jede Ausgabe des Magazins ein Hauptthema oder richtet den Fokus auf einen besonderen Philosophen der Geschichte.

Das Philosophie-Magazin – in englischer Sprache - richtet sich altersunabhängig an alle, die sich für Ideen und Debatten interessieren und die ihren Alltag und ihre Gedanken etwas mehr reflektieren möchten.
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In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Philosophy now

  • Freedom & State Intervention
    Audren Layeux follows the doomed quest for state emancipation of the self.
  • Value Pluralism & Plurality of Choice
    Christophe Bruchansky looks at maximising the diversity of choice.
  • The Unfreedom of Liberty
    Arianna Marchetti reflects on the limits of political freedom.
    A comic by Corey Mohler about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world.
  • On Retributive Punishment
    Oliver Waters asks, is retributive justice justified in a modern society?
  • The Domesticated Foxes of Bastøy
    Veronique Aïcha considers the ideology of imprisonment.
  • On Music
    AmirAli Maleki listens to music from an Islamic perspective.
  • Stoics in Need of Anger Management
    David Ashton finds that the Stoic view of anger needs updating.
  • Authenticity & Absurdity
    Paul Doolan tries to tell them apart.
  • Doughnut Economics
    David Howard on restoring balance to an unstable world.
  • The Epicurean Cure For Life
    Massimo Pigliucci takes the philosophy pill.
  • Books
    Jane O’Grady mulls two new books by Thomas Nagel and David McKay enjoys Stuart Jeffries’ lively take on postmodernism. In Classics, Hilarius Bogbinder reviews David Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants
    Richard Snowden-Leak wants to know what the perfect burger tastes like.
  • Sholem Asch (1880-1957)
    Brad Rappaport considers a very philosophical novelist.
  • What Philosophy Book Should Be Required Reading?
    Our readers give their thoughts, each winning a random book to read.
  • Atomism & Smallism
    Raymond Tallis wonders what the world is made from.
  • The Black Widow Case
    Dave Hangman on a crucial lawsuit taking place the day after tomorrow.