Classic Bike (UK) Abo

Ausgabe 001/2025
Aktuelle Ausgabe

Ausgabe 012/2024

Ausgabe 011/2024

Andrea Coleman
Steeped in bikes? Just a bit. She runs the Riders for Health charity, her dad designed the AJS 7R and she’s best mates with Kenny Roberts. And that’s just the start…

Arguably the most naturally gifted GP rider of all time, Freddie Spencer won both the 250 and 500 titles in the same year – difficult, but not as difficult as interviewing him…

Ausgabe 010/2024

Nigel Bosworth
He tested Grand Prix bikes for Kenny Roberts, started a World Superbike team with Carl Fogarty, and is a goldmine of unheard racing stories. Take it away, Boz…

No pain No gain
Mark Glitherow has endured tough fettling tasks on a series of Kawasakis. The restoration of this 1993 GPZ900R was no exception – but he got it bang on in the end

Ausgabe 009/2024

Ausgabe 008/2024

Ausgabe 007/2024

Ausgabe 006/2024

Ausgabe 005/2024

Ausgabe 004/2024

Ausgabe 003/2024

Ausgabe 002/2024

Porträt von Classic Bike (UK)

Für Motorrad-Oldtimer: Classic Bike (GB) im Abo

Classic Bike richtet sich an alle Leser, die Oldtimer-Motorräder besitzen, fahren, reparieren oder sammeln. Das Magazin bietet dazu die passenden praktischen Informationen sowie in jeder Ausgabe leidenschaftliche Artikel über große Motorräder und unvergessliche Biker. Ein Heft für Schrauber und Passionierte, egal ob fortgeschrittene Spezialisten oder Anfänger auf dem Gebiet. Das Team von Classic Bike besteht aus Profis, die mit ihrem Motorrad leben und atmen und dadurch authentisch sind und über umfangreiche Erfahrungen verfügen.
Importzeitschrift in englischer Sprache.

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Sie finden für Classic Bike (GB) das Jahresabo ohne Mindestbezugszeitraum und ein automatisch endendes Jahres-Geschenkabo, um dessen Kündigung Sie sich also nicht mehr kümmern müssen. Fehlt Ihnen ein Angebot für einen kürzeren oder anderen Zeitraum, so sagen Sie es uns gern. Auch beim Rechnungszeitraum können wir Ihnen entgegenkommen.

Classic Bike (UK) Abo


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Edition: Print single
ProductOfferName: Jahresabo jederz. Kündbar
TitleDesciption: Jahresabo

Mein Abo

Jederzeit kündbar
13,50 €
pro Ausgabe
12 Hefte
162,00 € im Jahr
Edition: Print single
ProductOfferName: Geschenk 1 Jahr
TitleDesciption: Geschenk-Abo


Endet automatisch
13,50 €
pro Ausgabe
12 Hefte
162,00 € im Jahr
Edition: Epaper single
ProductOfferName: 1 Jahr E-Paper
TitleDesciption: Jahresabo

Mein Abo

Jederzeit kündbar
3,50 €
pro Ausgabe
12 Hefte
74% gespart
42,00 € im Jahr

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Aktuelle Ausgabe



Andrea Coleman
Steeped in bikes? Just a bit. She runs the Riders for Health charity, her dad designed the AJS 7R and she’s best mates with Kenny Roberts. And that’s just the start…

Arguably the most naturally gifted GP rider of all time, Freddie Spencer won both the 250 and 500 titles in the same year – difficult, but not as difficult as interviewing him…


Nigel Bosworth
He tested Grand Prix bikes for Kenny Roberts, started a World Superbike team with Carl Fogarty, and is a goldmine of unheard racing stories. Take it away, Boz…

No pain No gain
Mark Glitherow has endured tough fettling tasks on a series of Kawasakis. The restoration of this 1993 GPZ900R was no exception – but he got it bang on in the end









Porträt von Classic Bike (UK)

Für Motorrad-Oldtimer: Classic Bike (GB) im Abo

Classic Bike richtet sich an alle Leser, die Oldtimer-Motorräder besitzen, fahren, reparieren oder sammeln. Das Magazin bietet dazu die passenden praktischen Informationen sowie in jeder Ausgabe leidenschaftliche Artikel über große Motorräder und unvergessliche Biker. Ein Heft für Schrauber und Passionierte, egal ob fortgeschrittene Spezialisten oder Anfänger auf dem Gebiet. Das Team von Classic Bike besteht aus Profis, die mit ihrem Motorrad leben und atmen und dadurch authentisch sind und über umfangreiche Erfahrungen verfügen.
Importzeitschrift in englischer Sprache.

Die Abo Angebote für Classic Bike (GB) nach Ihrer Wahl

Sie finden für Classic Bike (GB) das Jahresabo ohne Mindestbezugszeitraum und ein automatisch endendes Jahres-Geschenkabo, um dessen Kündigung Sie sich also nicht mehr kümmern müssen. Fehlt Ihnen ein Angebot für einen kürzeren oder anderen Zeitraum, so sagen Sie es uns gern. Auch beim Rechnungszeitraum können wir Ihnen entgegenkommen.
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In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Classic Bike (UK)

  • Startline
    June 1987, World 500cc Motocross GP Round Seven, Ponte a Egola, Italy
  • Seductive stroker
    This 1986 Yamaha RD500LC is up for auction in February. With a wad of history and a current MoT suggesting recent use, it could make spring something to look forward to…
  • ‘If I had £10,000…’
    Dougie Lampkin MBE, Master of Trials (world champ seven times, indoor champ five times) ponders how he’d spend an imaginary ten grand in a brown envelope
  • 12 bikes you can buy
    Gez Kane is always on the lookout for the tastiest bikes on sale. Here’s what he’s spotted for sale this month – there must be something below to tempt you…
  • MZ 250cc models
    Quirky, affordable and plain good fun. MZ Riders Club chairman Andy Binns shines a light on why you need an MZ250 in your life
  • 12 bikes that sold
    Auction prices, live and online, provide a genuine guide to values. Gez Kane selects the most desirable and revealing bikes that were sold over the last last month..
  • Honda sohc fours
    The archetypal ‘Universal Japanese Motorcycle’. But how are prices faring? Here’s a cross-section of models sold in the last three months
  • Time for a TZ?
    UK’s biggest collection of Yamaha proddie racers for sale
  • Tommy Robb 1934-2024
    Former Honda works rider and TT winner has died, aged 90
  • Rescued, revived & ridden
    The classic bikes that you have found, restored or just taken for a ride
    All that – along with five tyres – is what John King’s 1969 Triumph Trident went through during their epic 72-day ride around Australia
    John King tells us how he prepped his Trident and reveals how it stood up to the challenge of a 10,000-mile-plus trip. Surely something went wrong?
  • Right move
    David Allen decided to buy this Moto Guzzi Le Mans MkI rather than a Jota; 47 years later, he’s restored it – and happier than ever with his choice
  • Michael Rutter
    He grew up in race paddocks, won 29 British Superbike races, 14 North West 200s and seven TTs. But why does Michael Rutter think Mick Doohan is a ‘complete prick’?
    35 years of racing success
  • Norton P11
    When the big names of the British bike industry amalgamated, it didn’t take long before cross-breeding took place. This month, our Rick tries out one of Norton’s more desirable desert sled hybrids
  • ‘I had a decent set of balls on me and les s up the top’
    Gritty, fun-loving Aussie Rob Phillis tells us how he challenged for the World Superbike title aboard a dog-slow Kawasaki ZX750R, missed out on Carl Fogarty’s Ducati deal, turned down a TT ride worth big money and ended up with the nickname ‘Syphilis’
    Kawasaki’s GPz1100 was the last of the line of big, fast air-cooled fours stretching back to the Z1 in 1972. It can still set pulses racing today
  • ‘It’s morphed into my race HQ’
    Ian Martin’s workshop started life as a place to store his growing collection of road bikes. Then he caught the racing bug – and since then it’s gradually transformed into the place where race-winning RC30s are born
  • What my bikes taught me
    Ian Martin’s top two-wheeled teachers
  • Useful things
    Just some of the essential items in Ian’s workshop
  • Getting to the bottom of it…
    With his BSA Bantam in need of welding work, Hugo takes a trip to Rick’s workshop for a crash course on the MIG
  • Make your brakes bite
    We take stopping for granted… until we can’t. Modern traffic can stop alarmingly quickly and classic brakes need to be on top form – here are some tips to help pull you up
  • Petrol What you need to know
    Modern fuel is a giddy mix of petrol, ethanol and additives. But how does it all affect your classic bike?
  • Fettling cartridge forks
    Spending a few quid on sorting suspension is more worthwhile than paying out much more money on performance enhancements. Alan Seeley shows you how to make the most of what you have
  • BMW meltdown prevention
    BMW twins from the 1970s are solid motorcycles – but as they get older, they can develop alarming pyrotechnical tendencies. Here’s why, and how to stop it
  • Seventeen more steps to straightening a Sunbeam
    After getting his Sunbeam Model 9’s crash-damaged frame straight last month, Rick felt confident to tackle sorting out the rest of the bike – but is it really that simple?
  • Let’s get this whole thing straight…
    Rick rounds up the latest state of affairs with the Sunbeam – and what’s left to get sorted
  • Consistently Cali
    This ditch-recovered Guzzi has been a bulletproof Euro-touring mount for decades